- 19:30
You have surely noticed that there are many current events related to international economic sanctions. To debate this subject that is very relevant for many French (and European) companies, Le Cercle De la Compliance is organizing a new meeting of its International Sanctions workshop on January 31. This time, it will be about examining the practical aspects of complying with international sanctions, including American sanctions, with a case study that will be presented by George Voloshin, the manager France of the investigations firm Aperio Intelligence. Among the issues addressed: How to carry out due diligence on third parties within the framework of sanctions? Why is the shareholder structure important? And final beneficiaries? “Specially designated national” versus sector sanctions: what impact do they have? How to prepare for the potential new sanctions in 2019? We will have a meeting with our members on January 31, 2019, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
L’actualité liée aux sanctions économiques internationales est très abondante. Pour débattre sur ce sujet brûlant, le Cercle organise une nouvelle rencontre de son atelier Sanctions Internationales
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